Ribblesdale Medical Practice


We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.

You can find out more by clicking on the links.

Appointments advice

We use a system called askmyGP which is an easy and fast way to ask for any kind of help from the practice. Available between 7am-8am and we respond during...

Free NHS health checks

Ribblesdale Practice are offering FREE NHS Health Checks to patients aged between 40-74 without a pre-existing cardiovascular condition such as diabetes, chd etc. The health check is designed to assess your risk...

NHS health information

There is plenty of information to help you manage your health on the NHS website. These buttons will take you to different sections of NHS and you can look up...

Non-NHS services

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following: Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)...

Repeat prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions can be ordered in a number of ways: Use the NHS App or NHS login In person – hand your computerised repeat slip into reception with the required...

Right Care First Time

There are many different Health Care Professionals working within General Practice who are highly skilled in particular areas of care e.g. Clinical Pharmacists, Physiotherapists; you don’t always need to see...

Self care

Did you know that 10 of the most minor ailments seen by GPs can also be treated by you at home? By treating yourself at home you could save a...

Sick certificates

You do not require a doctor’s sickness certificate for any illness lasting seven days or less. Your employer may however require you to complete a self-certification form (SC2) which is...

Test results

When you attend for a test of any kind you will be told how long you should expect to wait for the results. Please call in or telephone reception who...

Text message reminders

You can now register to receive information by text message on your phone regarding appointments and health care. If you wish to register for this messaging service please fill out...

Travel vaccinations

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This will include which countries and...

Who should I see?

We try to keep our GP appointments for patients with more serious health problems. Before you book an appointment to see a doctor please consider whether an appointment with a...

Clinics and services

Practice Nurse Clinics and Health Promotion The Practice Nurses run clinics for the continuous care of patients suffering from chronic diseases which include coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary...

Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 15th November, 2014